2010年8月12日 星期四

男友耍孬 女友被K





太空人似乎知道有可愛女球迷被打傷,隨即發揮「憐香惜玉」的精神,在1比2落後時一舉超前為3比2,7下再立6分大局,最終以10比4擊敗勇士,曾待過洋基的斧頭幫投手方斯沃(Kyle Farnsworth)投0.1局掉4分,承擔本季首敗(3勝);勝投由也投0.1局,不過無失分的貝達克(Tim Byrdak)獲得(2勝1負)。

Boyfriend chooses the better part of valor and ducks a foul ball, which strikes his girlfriend, earning him the nickname "Bailer"

HOUSTON -- A young female Astros fan got a painful lesson in chivalry Monday night at Minute Maid Park.
The woman, identified only as Sarah, was struck on the right arm by a foul ball off the bat of Chris Johnson in the fourth inning while sitting down the left-field line -- a ball that she didn't see coming because her boyfriend ducked out of the way at the last second.

"As soon as we got here and I saw where we were sitting, I said 'Baby, we're going to get hit,'" the woman said when interviewed during the game. "He said, 'No, I'll catch it if you do. We just had this conversation and sure enough, the ball comes at me. He just bailed."

The boyfriend, named Bo, wound up retrieving the ball, but he had one of the oldest excuses in the book as to why he lost flight of the ball.

"The ball was coming up and I was going to catch it and it was in the lights and I lost track of it," he said.

Sarah was standing -- or, in this case, sitting -- by her man, even if she had a bruise to show for it.

Astros Fan Gets Hit by Foul Ball After Boyfriend Bails astros vs houston baseball the bailer

